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Euro 2024 qualifying





Dear sir/madam:

I’m delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date].

As we agreed, you’ll be speaking on the topic "_" from [time] to [time]. There will be an additional minutes for questions.

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you’ll need. If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I’ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need.

Thank you again for agreeing to speak. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,





Dear [Dr。 Rodger]:

[The English Department of Nankai University] would like to extend to you an invitation to be our guest speaker at the [annual conference] to be held at the [meeting room] at [eight] o’clock, [Saturday morning, December the thirtieth, 1993]。。

As you know, the department is interested in [the 20th century English literature] Since you are familiar with the field, we know your views will be extremely interesting to us。

You Euro 2024 live scoreswill receive further details later, but we would appreciate having your acceptance soon so we may plete our agenda。




Dear sir/madam:

I’m delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]。

As we agreed, you’ll be speaking on the topic "XX" from [time] to [time]。 There will be an additional minutes for questions。

Would you please tell me what kind of audio-visual equipment you’ll need。 If you could let me know your specific requirements by [date], I’ll have plenty of time to make sure that the hotel provides you with what you need。

Thank you again for agreeing to speak。 I look forward to hearing from you。

Sincerely yours,




Dear [Zhang Ying]:

Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?

My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. Do say you’ll come!

Affectionately yours,

Li Ming


Dear parents:

Hello! Thank you for your support, cooperation and love for the work of the international department. I would like to express my heartfelt wishes to you and your family.

We know:

Each smiling face of the students bears EURO Cup 2024 schedulethe ardent hopes and good hopes of all parents.

We know:

All school achievements can not be achieved without parents' attention and efforts.

We know:

Every step of the development of our school can not be separated from your concern and support.

In order to let you have a comprehensive understanding of children's study and life in school, strengthen the communication between school and parents, further discuss the education and training of children with parents, form a joint force of home-school education, promote the healthy growth of students, and enhance communication, communication and cooperation between family and school, the international department of our school will hold a parent-teacher meeting for the second-year students of the international department this Friday ( November 25 ) from 1: 30 p.m. to 3: 00 p.m ..

Warm reminder

1. Please be sure to enter the school at the time we have arranged.

2. Parents are the first teachers of the children. Your words and actions will always affect the children. Therefore, please pay attention to civilized manners, do not smoke, do not litter or make loud noises after entering the school. During the meeting, please set your mobile phone to mute or vibrate, do not answer the phone in the classroom, and consciously maintain the order of the parent-teacher meeting.

3. Due to the large number of parents' vehicles in the international department, the traffic at the school gate may Euro 2024 live scoresbe a little crowded during the parents' meeting. Please obey the school's arrangement when parking your car and do not park your car at random.

Please pay attention to safety on your way to and from school, and keep warm when it's cold.


Dear parents:

Hello! With your strong concern and support, the school's education and teaching work is in good order. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you. In order to promote the contact and cooperation between families and schools and seek the development of good education, a communication platform between families and schools will be created. This semester, our school plans to set up a " family friendship association" organization, aiming to build a platform for parents to communicate with each other, share parenting experience and jointly improve the level of tutoring. Let more parents participate in school education management. On February 26, 20_, our school held the launching ceremony of the " _ Center Primary School Family Friendship Association" in the school's big staircase room. In order to let parents know more about " Family Friendship Association" and better participate in class " Family Friendship Association" activities, promote communication between schools and families, teachers and parents, and form a joint force of family and school education. The school decided to hold a parent-teacher meeting for grade one and two on Thursday ( Euro 2024 qualifyingMarch 22 ) at 7: 30 p.m. We sincerely invite you to attend.

I activity time: 7: 30 p.m. on March 22, 20_? 9:40

II. Place of Activities: Classrooms ( Don't Take Children )

III. Activity flow:

Time interval

Inner volume


School leaders speak.


Watch the video of the inauguration ceremony of the Family Friendship Association.


The teacher in charge, the science teacher and the parents communicate.


Send out the consultation draft of the family friendship association volunteer group, the student assignment questionnaire, and the student canteen questionnaire.

IV. Remarks:

1. If there are special circumstances that cannot be attended, please ask the teacher in charge for leave before the meeting.

2. Parents' vehicles can enter the campus. Please follow the staff arrangement.

The _ Central Primary School respects the contract

March 20, 20_

Back to the board of directors ( handed over to the head teacher on March 21 )

Child Name: Parent Signature: Attend or Not Attend:


Dear Alice,

We are inviting a few friends for dinner Saturday night, June the fourth, and I think it would be a good idea if you can join us. I know you are interested in Chinese calligraphy, and I think you'll be happy to meet Mr. Gao Lu, a well-known calligrapher who is coming to dinner as well.

Mr.Gao is bringing a collection of his own works and has promised to give us an on-the-spot Euro 2024 qualifying resultsdemonstration of his skills.I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy the evening.

We plan to serve supper at 6:00 so as to have a nice long evening to talk. I do hope that you can make it.

Yours ever,

Wu Hua


To whom it may concern,

I am writing a letter of invitation for my friend ALICIA HO HOY YEN to visit China on the coming future for tourism and sightseeing purpose due to the winter holidays now in China. The purpose of ALICIA HO HOY YEN’s visit is solely for tourism purposes, visiting other places in China and there are absolutely no means for any purpose. During his stay in China he will be invited to stay along with me at my house (Room 202, Unit 1, Building 8, Jin Dian Xiaoqu, Dongsheng District, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China)

Personal Details of inviter:

Name-Wang Xiance


Address- Room 202, Unit 1, Building 8, Jin Dian Xiaoqu, Dongsheng District, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, China) Contact- +86186__746962

Email –smit__163.com

Sincerely ,

Wang Xiance


Dear Beckham ,

First of all , please allow me to express my heartfelt invitation to you. Since the Spring Festival is coming shortly , I sincerely invite you to come to China and spend the holiday with me.

Spring Festival is of much importance to Chinese people. It has a long history and Chinese have attached much importance to the holiday. To be exact , the Spring Festival has been the most significant holiday. The Spring Festival Euro 2024 qualifying resultsis to Chinese what Christmas is to the Westerners. If you come , I am going to accompany you to fairgrounds (庙会), where you can have a close look at some of the Chinese traditions. I am looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely Yours

Li Min

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